
A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Safety and Effects of CBN With and Without CBD on Sleep Quality

The present study sought to determine the effects of cannabinol (CBN) alone and in combination with cannabidiol (CBD) on sleep quality. This was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study conducted between May and November 2022. Participants were randomized to receive either (a) placebo, (b) 20 mg CBN, (c) 20 mg CBN + 10 mg CBD, (d) 20 mg CBN + 20 mg CBD, or (e) 20 mg CBN + 100 mg CBD for seven consecutive nights. Participants were 18–55 years of age who self-rated sleep quality as “very poor” or “poor.” The primary endpoint was sleep quality, while secondary endpoints included sleep onset latency, number of awakenings, wake after sleep onset (WASO), overall sleep disturbance, and daytime fatigue

Cannabinoids: Emerging sleep modulator

Sleep is an essential biological phase of our daily life cycle and is necessary for maintaining homeostasis, alertness, metabolism, cognition, and other key functions across the animal kingdom. Dysfunctional sleep leads to deleterious effects on health, mood, and cognition, including memory deficits and an increased risk of diabetes, stroke, and neurological disorders. Sleep is regulated by several brain neuronal circuits, neuromodulators, and neurotransmitters, where cannabinoids have been increasingly found to play a part in its modulation. Cannabinoids, a group of lipid metabolites, are regulatory molecules that bind mainly to cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Much evidence supports the role of cannabinoid receptors in the modulation of sleep, where their alteration exhibits sleep-promoting effects, including an increase in non-rapid-eye movement sleep and a reduction in sleep latency. However, the pharmacological alteration of CB1 receptors is associated with adverse psychotropic effects, which are not exhibited in CB2 receptor alteration. Hence, selective alteration of CB2 receptors is also of clinical importance, where it could potentially be used in treating sleep disorders. Thus, it is crucial to understand the neurobiological basis of cannabinoids in sleep physiology. In this review article, the alteration of the endocannabinoid system by various cannabinoids and their respective effects on the sleep-wake cycle are discussed based on recent findings. The mechanisms of the cannabinoid receptors on sleep and wakefulness are also explored for their clinical implications and potential therapeutic use on sleep disorders.

The Safety and Effectiveness of Commercially Available Cannabidiol Products for Health and Well-Being: A Randomized, Multi-Arm, Open-Label Waitlist-Controlled Trial

Over the past decade, use of cannabidiol (CBD) to manage common symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disturbance, and pain has expanded rapidly. However, few clinical trials have investigated CBD’s safety or efficacy. Furthermore, whether effects vary by characteristics of the product or individual characteristics is largely unknown.

Survey of Patients Employing Cannabigerol-Predominant Cannabis Preparations: Perceived Medical Effects, Adverse Events, and Withdrawal Symptoms

Analysis of over 100 Cannabis samples quantified for terpene and cannabinoid content and genotyped for over 100,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms indicated that Sativa- and Indica-labelled samples were genetically indistinct on a genome-wide scale. Instead, we found that Cannabis labelling was associated with variation in a small number of terpenes whose concentrations are controlled by genetic variation at tandem arrays of terpene synthase genes.

Survey of Patients Employing Cannabigerol-Predominant Cannabis Preparations: Perceived Medical Effects, Adverse Events, and Withdrawal Symptoms

Cannabigerol (CBG), and its precursor before decarboxylation, cannabigerolic acid is sometimes labeled the “mother of all cannabinoids.” The purpose of the present study was to investigate reasons for use and self-reported therapeutic effects in CBG-predominant cannabis users. Usage patterns and adverse effects, including withdrawal symptoms were also explored.

The Effect of Medical Cannabis on Pain Level and Quality of Sleep among Rheumatology Clinic Outpatients

Medical cannabis (MC) is becoming increasingly popular for the treatment of chronic pain conditions. In this study, we evaluated the effect of MC treatment on pain level and quality of sleep of patients with different medical conditions at the rheumatology clinic.

Cannabinol and Sleep: Separating Fact from Fiction

In recent years, marketers of cannabis (i.e., marijuana) products have claimed that cannabinol (CBN) has unique sleep-promoting effects. Despite a plausible mechanism, it is possible that such claims are merely rooted in cannabis lore. The aim of this narrative review was to answer the question: “Is there sufficient clinical evidence to support claims that CBN has sleep-promoting effects?”

Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study

Author: Alex Capano, Richard Weaver & Elisa Burkman Published in Postgraduate Medicine   November 2019 Abstract Context: Chronic pain is highly prevalent in most of the industrialized nations around the world….

Intraocular pressure, ocular toxicity and neurotoxicity after administration of cannabinol or cannabigerol

Author: Brenda K.Colasanti, Charles R. Craig, R. David Allara Published in Science Direct September 1984 Abstract Cannabinol or cannabigerol was administered to cats topically in doses of 250, 500 and…

Cannabis (medical marijuana) treatment for motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson disease: an open-label observational study.

Authors: Itay Lotan, Therese Treves, Yaniv Roditi, Ruth Djaldetti
Clinical Neuropharmacology, March-April 2014

OBJECTIVE: The use of cannabis as a therapeutic agent for various medical conditions has been well documented. However, clinical trials in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) have yielded conflicting results. The aim of the present open-label observational study was to assess…

Mitigation of post-traumatic stress symptoms by Cannabis resin: a review of the clinical and neurobiological evidence.

Authors: Torsten Passie, Hinderk M. Emrich, Matthias Karst, Simon D. Brandt, John H. Halpern
Drug Testing and Analysis, July-August 2012

It is known from clinical studies that some patients attempt to cope with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by using recreational drugs. This review presents a case report of a 19-year-old male patient with a spectrum of severe PTSD symptoms, such as intens…

Chronic administration of cannabidiol to healthy volunteers and epileptic patients.

Authors: Jomar M. Cunha, E.A. Carlini, Aparecido E. Pereira, Oswaldo L. Ramos, Camilo Pimentel, et al
Pharmacology, 1980

In phase 1 of the study, 3 mg/kg daily of cannabidiol (CBD) was given for 30 days to 8 health human volunteers. Another 8 volunteers received the same number of identical capsules containing glucose as placebo in a double-blind setting. Neurological and physical examinations…