A Comprehensive Patient and Public Involvement Program Evaluating Perception of Cannabis-Derived Medicinal Products in the Treatment of Acute Postoperative Pain, Nausea, and Vomiting Using a Qualitative Thematic Framework

Author: Simon Erridge, Marie Miller, Tamara Gall, Antonio Costanzo, Barbara Pacchetti, and Mikael H. Sodergren Published in Mary Ann Liebert, Inc Publishers  February 2020 Abstract Introduction: Cannabis-derived medicinal products (CDMPs) have antiemetic…

Alleviative effects of Cannabis flower on migraine and headache

Author: Sarah S. Stitha, Jegason P.Diviant, Franco Brockelman, KeenanKeeling, BrandenHall, Storri Lucern, Jacob M.Vigil, Kathleen MacMillan MacMillan, Amanda Keddy, James Furlon Published in Science Direct July 2020 Abstract Objective: Few studies…

A Comprehensive Patient and Public Involvement Program Evaluating Perception of Cannabis-Derived Medicinal Products in the Treatment of Acute Postoperative Pain, Nausea, and Vomiting Using a Qualitative Thematic Framework

Author: Simon Erridge, Marie Miller, Tamara Gall, Antonio Costanzo, Barbara Pacchetti, and Mikael H. Sodergren Published in Mary Ann Liebert, Inc Publishers  February 2020 Abstract Introduction: Cannabis-derived medicinal products (CDMPs) have…

Δ9‐Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid alleviates collagen‐induced arthritis: Role of PPARγ and CB1 receptors

Author: Belén Palomares Martín Garrido‐Rodriguez Claudia Gonzalo‐Consuegra María Gómez‐Cañas Suwipa Saen‐oon Robert Soliva Juan A. Collado Javier Fernández‐Ruiz Gaetano Morello Marco A. Calzado Giovanni Appendino Eduardo Muñoz Published in British Pharmacological Society …

The Impact of Medical Cannabis on Intermittent and Chronic Opioid Users with Back Pain: How Cannabis Diminished Prescription Opioid Usage

Author: Kevin M. Takakuwa, Jeffrey Y. Hergenrather, Frances S. Shofer, and Raquel M. Schears Published in Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers January 2020 Abstract Objectives: To determine if cannabis may be…

Patterns of medicinal cannabis use, strain analysis, and substitution effect among patients with migraine, headache, arthritis, and chronic pain in a medicinal cannabis cohort

Author: Eric P. Baron, Philippe Lucas, Joshua Eades & Olivia Hogue Published in The Journal of Headache and Pain May 2018 Abstract Background  Medicinal cannabis registries typically report pain as the…

Medical Cannabis for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia

Author: George Habib, Suheil Artul Published in Journal of Clinical Rheumatology August 2018 Abstract Background Background: Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome, characterized by chronic musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and mood disturbances….

Medicinal Properties of Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavonoids in Cannabis, and Benefits in Migraine, Headache, and Pain: An Update on Current Evidence and Cannabis Science

Author: Eric P. Baron DO Published in HEADACHE Journal of Headache and face pain August 2018 Abstract Background Comprehensive literature reviews of historical perspectives and evidence supporting cannabis/cannabinoids in the treatment…

The Therapeutic Potential and Usage Patterns of Cannabinoids in People with Spinal Cord.

Authors: Kylie J. Nabata, Emmanuel K. Tse, Tom E. Nightingale, Amanda H.X. Lee, Janice J., et al
Current Neuropharmacology, 19 April 2020

BACKGROUND: People with spinal cord injuries (SCI) commonly experience pain and spasticity, but limitations of current treatments have generated interest in cannabis as a possible therapy. OBJECTIVES: We conducted this systematic review to: 1) examine usage patterns and reason…

The effectiveness of self-directed medical cannabis treatment for pain.

Authors: Xiaoxue Li, Jacob M.Vigil, Sarah S. Stith, Franco Brockelman, Keenan Keeling, Branden Hall
Complementary Therapies in Medicine, October 2019

The prior medical literature offers little guidance as to how pain relief and side effect manifestation may vary across commonly used and commercially available cannabis product types. We used the largest dataset in the United States of real-time responses to and side effect r…

Cannabis and Pain.

Authors: Ethan B. Russo
Pain Medicine, 16 September 2019

This editorial is occasioned by the publication in Pain Medicine of two quite distinct articles [1,2] on the topical subject of cannabis and pain. As a point of departure, it is necessary to define terms. Cannabis sativa L. is a highly variable biochemical and morphological pl…

Safety and Efficacy of Medical Cannabis in Fibromyalgia.

Authors: Iftach Sagy, Lihi Bar-Lev Schleider, Mahmoud Abu-Shakra, Victor Novack
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 5 June 2019

BACKGROUND: Chronic pain may be treated by medical cannabis. Yet, there is scarce evidence to support the role of medical cannabis in the treatment of fibromyalgia. The aim of the study was to investigate the characteristics, safety, and effectiveness of medical cannabis thera…