
Acidic Cannabinoids Suppress Proinflammatory Cytokine Release by Blocking Store-operated Calcium Entry

Authors Malika Faouzi, Clay Wakano, Mahealani K Monteilh-Zoller, Ram P Neupane, John G Starkus, Jayanti Bhandari Neupane, Aaron J Cullen, Brandon E Johnson, Andrea Fleig, and Reinhold Penner Published July…

Novel Insights into the Immunomodulatory Effects of Caryophyllane Sesquiterpenes: A Systematic Review of Preclinical Studies

Immunomodulation is a key factor in the homeostasis of organisms, both for physiological and inflammatory conditions. In this context, great attention has been devoted to immunomodulant agents, which can boost or modulate the immune system, thus favoring disease relief. The present systematic review is focused on the immunomodulatory properties of plant-based caryophyllane sesquiterpenes, which are unique natural compounds widely studied due to their multiple and pleiotropic bioactivities. Despite lacking clinical evidence, the selected studies highlighted the ability of these substances, especially β-caryophyllene and α-humulene, to modulate the immune system of both in vitro and in vivo models of disease, such as neurodegenerative and inflammatory- based diseases, cancer, and allergies; moreover, some mechanistic hypotheses have been made too. The present overview suggests a further interest in immunomodulation by caryophyllane sesquiterpenes as a possible novel strategy for immune-based diseases or as an adjuvant treatment…

The Potential Use of Cannabis in Tissue Fibrosis

Numerous publications suggest that cannabinoids and extracts of Cannabis sativa have potent anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrogenic properties. In this review, we describe the types and mechanisms of fibrosis in various tissues and discuss various strategies for prevention and dealing with tissue fibrosis. We further introduce cannabinoids and their potential for the prevention and treatment of fibrosis, and therefore for extending healthy lifespan.

Cannabinoid-2 receptor activation ameliorates hepatorenal syndrome

Authors: Eszter Trojnar, Katalin Erdelyi,Csaba Matyas, Suxian Zhao, Janos Paloczi, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Zoltan V.Varga, Gyorgy Hasko, Pal Pacher Published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine May 2020 Abstract Study rationale: Hepatorenal…

Efficacy of combined therapy with fish oil and phytocannabinoids in murine intestinal inflammation

Authors: Ester Pagano, Fabio A. Iannotti, Fabiana Piscitelli, Barbara Romano, Giuseppe Lucariello, Tommaso Venneri, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Angelo A. Izzo, Francesca Borrelli Published in Phytotherapy Research September 2020 Abstract Summary…

Biological Activity of Cannabis sativa L. Extracts Critically Depends on Solvent Polarity and Decarboxylation

SCC Member Gretchen E. Maurer, DO, MS and colleagues examine the current research potential for cannabis in sports medicine.

Activation of Cannabinoid Receptor 2 Prevents Colitis-Associated Colon Cancer through Myeloid Cell De-activation Upstream of IL-22 Production

Authors: William Becker, Haider Rasheed Alrafa,Kiesha Wilson, Kathryn Miranda, Courtney Culpepper, Ioulia Chatzistamou, Guoshuai Cai, Mitzi Nagarkatti, Prakash S. Nagarkatti Published in Iscience August 2020 Abstract Summary Intestinal disequilibrium leads…

Endocannabinoids Inhibit the Induction of Virulence in Enteric Pathogens

Authors: Melissa Ellermann, Alline R. Pacheco, Angel G. Jimenez, Regan M. Russell, Santiago Cuesta, Aman Kumar, Wenhan Zhu, Gonçalo Vale, Sarah A. Martin, Prithvi Raj, Jeffrey G. McDonald, Sebastian E….

A molecular basis for the anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrosis properties of cannabidiol

Authors: Falone Sunda, Afolake Arowolo Published in The FASEB Journal April 2020 Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD) is considered a non-psychoactive, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory compound derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. There…

A molecular basis for the anti‐inflammatory and anti‐fibrosis properties of cannabidiol

Authors: Falone Sunda, Afolake Arowolo Published in The FASEB Journal September 2020 Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD) is considered a non‐psychoactive, antioxidant, and anti‐inflammatory compound derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. There…

Cannflavins – From plant to patient: A scoping review

Authors: Simon Erridge, Nagina Mangal, Oliver Salazar, Barbara Pacchetti, Mikael H.Sodergren Published in Fitoterapia October 2020 Abstract Introduction Cannflavins are a group of prenylflavonoids derived from Cannabis sativa L.. Cannflavin…

The Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Aetiopathogenesis of Endometriosis: A Potential Therapeutic Target

Authors: Keisuke Tanaka, Leah Mayne, Akram Khalil, David Baartz, Lars Eriksson, Sally-Anne Mortlock, et al
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 15 November 2019

Endometriosis affects a large proportion of women during their reproductive years and is associated with pain and infertility, also affecting psychological wellbeing and quality of life. The pathogenesis of the disease remains unclear, although it is believed to be multifactor…