
The effect of concomitant cannabinoids during immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment of advanced stage malignancy.

Authors: Adam Biedny, Susan Szpunar, Ahmed Abdalla, Zyad Kafri, Tarik H. Hadid Published in Journal of Clinical Oncology May 2020   Abstract Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors are used in treatment…

The Therapeutic Potential and Usage Patterns of Cannabinoids in People with Spinal Cord.

Authors: Kylie J. Nabata, Emmanuel K. Tse, Tom E. Nightingale, Amanda H.X. Lee, Janice J., et al
Current Neuropharmacology, 19 April 2020

BACKGROUND: People with spinal cord injuries (SCI) commonly experience pain and spasticity, but limitations of current treatments have generated interest in cannabis as a possible therapy. OBJECTIVES: We conducted this systematic review to: 1) examine usage patterns and reason…

Terpenoids From Cannabis Do Not Mediate an Entourage Effect by Acting at Cannabinoid Receptors

Authors: David B. Finlay, Kathleen J. Sircombe, Mhairi Nimick, Callum Jones, Michelle Glass
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 25 March 2020

The entourage effect was a proposed explanation for biological observations that endocannabinoid ligand activities can be modified by other lipids released from cells at the same time. An increasing volume of anecdotal reports and interest in the plant have provoked research i…

Cannabinoids and hormone receptor-positive breast cancer treatment.

Authors: Luka Dobovišek, Fran Krstanović, Simona Borštnar, Nataša Debeljak
Cancers, 25 February 2020

Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer in women worldwide. Approximately 70-80% of BCs express estrogen receptors (ER), which predict the response to endocrine therapy (ET), and are therefore hormone receptor-positive (HR+). Endogenous cannabinoids together with cannabin…

Indications and administration practices amongst medical cannabis healthcare providers: a cross-sectional survey.

A study published in BMC Family Practice sought to characterize the clinical practice characteristics of medical professionals who recommend cannabis.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: a review of the literature.

Authors: Eleonore Deceuninck, Denis Jacques
Psychiatria Danubina, September 2019

BACKGROUND: Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is characterized by cyclic vomiting and compulsive need to take hot showers in the context of chronic cannabis use. Physicians’ lack of knowledge of CHS often results in a diagnostic delay of several years. The purpose of this…

Cannabis: From a Plant That Modulates Feeding Behaviors toward Developing Selective Inhibitors of the Peripheral Endocannabinoid System for the Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome.

Authors: Shira Hirsch, Joseph Tam
Toxins, 15 May 2019

In this review, we discuss the role of the endocannabinoid (eCB) system in regulating energy and metabolic homeostasis. Endocannabinoids, via activating the cannabinoid type-1 receptor (CB1R), are commonly known as mediators of the thrifty phenotype hypothesis due to their act…

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: An unrecognized cause of nausea and vomiting.

Authors: Tiffany N. Smith, Anne Walsh, Christopher P. Forest
Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, April 2019

Cannabis has long been used for medical and recreational purposes because of its antiemetic, analgesic, and mood effects. Ironically, chronic use of cannabis can result in paradoxical effects, including a condition known as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Patients with this …

Therapeutic potential of cannabinoids as neuroprotective agents for damaged cells conducing to movement disorders.

Authors: Mario Antonazzo, María Botta, Harkaitz Bengoetxea, José Ángel Ruiz-Ortega, Teresa Morera-Herreras
International Review of Neurobiology, 2019

The basal ganglia (BG), an organized network of nuclei that integrates cortical information, play a crucial role in controlling motor function. In fact, movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Huntington’s disease (HD) are caused by the degeneration of specific…

Marijuana Use by Breastfeeding Mothers and Cannabinoid Concentrations in Breast Milk.

Authors: Kerri A. Bertrand, Nathan J. Hanan, Gordon Honerkamp-Smith, Brookie M. Best, Christina D. Chambers
Pediatrics, September 2018

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Marijuana is the most commonly used recreational drug among breastfeeding women. With legalization of marijuana in several US states and a 1990 study in which authors documented psychomotor deficits in infants breastfed by mothers using marijuana, the…

Endocannabinoid system in sexual motivational processes: Is it a novel therapeutic horizon?

Authors: Renata Androvicova, Jiri Horacek, Tibor Stark, Filippo Drago, Vincenzo Micale
Pharmacological Research, January 2017

The endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is composed of the cannabinoid receptors types 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) for marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), the endogenous ligands (AEA and 2-AG) and the enzymatic systems involved in their biosynthesis…

Modeling Neurodegenerative Disorders for Developing Cannabinoid-Based Neuroprotective Therapies.

Authors: Javier Fernández-Ruiz, María Gómez-Ruiz, Concepción García, Mariluz Hernández, José A. Ramos
Methods in Enzymology, 2017

The increase in lifespan during the last 50 years, mainly in developed countries, has originated a progressive elevation in the incidence of chronic neurodegenerative disorders, for which aging is the key risk factor. This fact will definitively become the major biomedical cha…