
Preferences for Medical Marijuana over Prescription Medications Among Persons Living with Chronic Conditions: Alternative, Complementary, and Tapering Uses

Despite expanded legalization and utilization of medical cannabis (MC) internationally, there is a lack of patient-centered data on how MC is used by persons living with chronic conditions in tandem with or instead of prescription medications. This study describes approaches to use of MC vis-à-vis prescription medications in the treatment of selected chronic conditions.

The dose-dependent analgesic effects, abuse liability, safety and tolerability of oral cannabidiol in healthy humans

Preclinical studies demonstrate that cannabidiol (CBD) elicits an antinociceptive response in animal models of neuropathic pain; in humans, limited data are available to support such analgesic effects. Few studies have examined CBD’s analgesic effects when administered without other compounds, and little is known regarding dose-dependent effects in non-cannabis users.

A randomized trial of medical cannabis in patients with stage IV cancers to assess feasibility, dose requirements, impact on pain and opioid use, safety, and overall patient satisfaction

The prevalence of medical cannabis (MC) use in patients with cancer is growing, but questions about safety, efficacy, and dosing remain. Conducting randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) using state-sponsored MC programs is novel and could provide data needed to guide patients and providers.

Cannabis Significantly Reduces the Use of Prescription Opioids and Improves Quality of Life in Authorized Patients: Results of a Large Prospective Study

Authors Philippe Lucas, MA PhD, Susan Boyd, PhD, M -J Milloy, PhD, Zach Walsh, PhD Published in Pain Medicine December 2020 Abstract Objective This article presents findings from a large…

Ingestion of a THC-Rich Cannabis Oil in People with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

Authors Carolina Chaves, MD, Paulo Cesar T Bittencourt, MD, MSc, Andreia Pelegrini, PhD Published in Pain Medicine October 2020 Abstract Objective To determine the benefit of a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-rich cannabis…

Experience of Migraine, its Severity, and Perceived Efficacy of Treatments among Cannabis Users

A study from Complementary Therapies in Medicine in 2020 examines patterns of cannabis use and its associated relief among migraineurs.

Prescribed medical cannabis in women with gynecologic malignancies: A single-institution survey-based study

Authors: Emily M.Webster, Ghanshyam S.Yadav, Stefan Gysler, Blair McNamara, Jonathan Black, Joan Tymon-Rosario, Burak Zeybek, Chanhee Han, Christopher K. Arkfeld, Vaagn Andikyan, Gulden Menderes, Gloria Huang, Masoud Azodi, Dan-Arin Silasi,…

Cannabis: An Emerging Treatment for Common Symptoms in Older Adults

Authors: Kevin H Yang, Christopher N Kaufmann, Reva Nafsu, Ella T Lifset, Khai Nguyen, Michelle Sexton, Benjamin H Han, Arum Kim, Alison A Moore Published in Journal of the American…

Preliminary Assessment of Medical Cannabis Consumption by Cancer Survivors

This study indicates that cancer survivors may indeed consume cannabis for symptom relief, and not merely for recreational purposes. More research is needed to study the adequate role that cannabis may have for treating symptoms associated with cancer survivorship.

Medical marijuana certification for patients with sickle cell disease: a report of a single center experience

Authors: Susanna A. Curtis, Dana Lew, Jonathan Spodick, Jeanne E. Hendrickson, Caterina P. Minniti, John D. Roberts Published in Blood Advances August 2020 Abstract More than one-third of adults with…

Alleviative effects of Cannabis flower on migraine and headache

Author: Sarah S. Stitha, Jegason P.Diviant, Franco Brockelman, KeenanKeeling, BrandenHall, Storri Lucern, Jacob M.Vigil, Kathleen MacMillan MacMillan, Amanda Keddy, James Furlon Published in Science Direct July 2020 Abstract Objective: Few studies…

The Therapeutic Potential and Usage Patterns of Cannabinoids in People with Spinal Cord.

Authors: Kylie J. Nabata, Emmanuel K. Tse, Tom E. Nightingale, Amanda H.X. Lee, Janice J., et al
Current Neuropharmacology, 19 April 2020

BACKGROUND: People with spinal cord injuries (SCI) commonly experience pain and spasticity, but limitations of current treatments have generated interest in cannabis as a possible therapy. OBJECTIVES: We conducted this systematic review to: 1) examine usage patterns and reason…