
Physicians’ Perspectives on Their Training for and Role Within Pennsylvania’s Medical Cannabis Program

Physicians’ ability to guide their patients on the use of medical cannabis can vary widely and is often shaped by their training, experiences, and the regulations and policies of their state. The goal of this qualitative study is to understand how prepared physicians are to certify and advise their patients to use medical cannabis. A secondary goal is to explore how physicians integrate certification into their clinical practices, and what factors shape their decisions and behaviors around certification.Using semi-structured interviews with 24 physicians authorized to certify patients to use medical cannabis in Pennsylvania, a state with a medical access only program, we explored how physi- cians are trained and set up their practices. Interviews were analyzed using a blend of directed and conventional, and summative content analysis.

Medical marijuana knowledge and attitudes amongst internal medicine residents

Mounting evidence suggests the safety and efficacy of medical marijuana (MM) in treating chronic ailments, including chronic pain, epilepsy, and anorexia. Despite incremental use of medical and recreational cannabinoids, current limited evidence shows generalized unpreparedness of medical providers to discuss or recommend these substances to their patients. Herein, the present study aims to examine internal medicine residents’ knowledge of marijuana and their attitude towards its medical use.